MirageOS on OCaml 5!
Discover the ongoing work to make MirageOS compatible with OCaml 5 including the Solo5, Unikraft, and improved cross-compilation efforts.

Communications Officer
Discover our latest posts on #mirageos and explore related insights and stories.
MirageOS on OCaml 5!
Discover the ongoing work to make MirageOS compatible with OCaml 5 including the Solo5, Unikraft, and improved cross-compilation efforts.
Communications Officer
Irmin on MirageOS: Under-the-Hood With Notafs
Features of the Notafs filesystem for MirageOS which, designed to be used on satellites with SpaceOS, lets users use Irmin as a filesystem for MirageOS.
Principal Software Engineer
Irmin on MirageOS: Introducing the Notafs File System
Announcing a new filesystem for MirageOS projects, designed to be used on satellites with SpaceOS, that also lets developers use Irmin with MirageOS!
Principal Software Engineer
Secure From the Ground Up: Introducing the FIDES Project Combining RISC-V and MirageOS
We entrust some of our most sensitive information to an invisible stream of information flowing back and forth across the globe. Cybersecurity concerns everyone, and Tarides is developing secure, lasting, and high-performing solutions for a diverse set of users. This post introduces you to cutting-e…
Communications Officer
NetHSM: Bringing Open Source to the World of Hardware Security Modules
Nitrokey is one of the world’s foremost open-source hardware security companies. They develop IT security hardware for data encryption, decryption, and signing, including key and user authentication. After eight years of development, they recently released the first fully open-source Hardware Secu…
Communications Officer
Principal Software Engineer
MirageOS: Designing a More Resilient Networking Stack With µTCP
There is no room for complacency in software development! In the OCaml ecosystem, improvements are continuously introduced to optimise existing workflows, introduce new features, and boost performance. MirageOS is a toolchain for creating unikernels (very small images that embed both an application …
Principal Software Engineer
Announcing the ORCHIDE Project: Powering Satellite Innovation
It has been a few months since we announced our new product for both older and newer models of satellites: SpaceOS. Since then, there have been exciting updates to the use of SpaceOS for innovative satellite applications. Tarides is thrilled to announce our partnership with several esteemed organisa…
Communications Officer
A Year of SpaceOS: Showing the World the Benefits of OCaml
I have had the pleasure of attending some great conferences over the past year, where I have presented some of the latest and most exciting OCaml use cases developed at Tarides. With our new SpaceOS solution, Tarides can provide significant quality-of-life upgrades for industries that rely on satell…
Senior Software Engineer
OCaml in Space - Welcome SpaceOS!
Our mission is to build sustainable and secure software infrastructure that will not only work for decades but also positively impact the world. This includes our work on essential open-source libraries and tooling in the OCaml space, but also extends to include cutting-edge innovation through Mirag…
Head Consulting Services
Reflections on the MirageOS Retreat in Morocco
Introduction Since we are a hybrid remote and distributed company, everyone at Tarides knows first-hand how important in-person retreats are for collaborating on software development. They give us a chance to focus more deeply on our work, collaborate closely, and learn from one another. We are part…
Senior Software Engineer
Communications Officer
Senior Software Engineer
Principal Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Zero-Day Attacks: What Are They, and Can a Language Like OCaml Protect You?
Zero-day attacks have been getting increased media attention lately, but what are they? And how can we protect ourselves? Google’s Project Zero tracks zero-day vulnerabilities at major software vendors. In 2021, their tracker noted the detection and disclosure of 58 in-the-wild zero-day exploits, …
Communications Officer
Hillingar: MirageOS Unikernels on NixOS
NixOS allows reproducible deployments of systems by managing configuration declaratively. MirageOS is a unikernel creation framework that creates targeted operating systems for high-level applications that can run on a hypervisor. By building MirageOS unikernels with Nix, we can enable reproducible …
Software Engineer
The MirageOS Retreat: A Journey of Food, Cats, and Unikernels
MirageOS is an OCaml ecosystem to construct unikernels, i.e., minimal operating systems. Here, we write about our social and technical experience at the MirageOS retreat in Morocco, as well as the vibe and wonderful organisational details. To sum up the technical part, we worked on different facets …
Senior Software Engineer
Intern Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Principal Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Porting Charrua-Unix and Rawlink to Eio
This article describes the porting of the DHCP daemon charrua-unix and its companion library rawlink to Eio for the upcoming OCaml 5 release. Before we get started, it makes sense to briefly describe what DHCP is and how we use it in production. What is DHCP? DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configurati…
Principal Software Engineer
Tarides is on the Wavestone Radar!
Cybersecurity is a growing concern for individuals and companies alike. At Tarides, security is at the centre of every solution we provide, and this year we have been recognised for our efforts! We’ve been accepted to Cyber@StationF’s acceleration program and are now featured in the 2022 Cyberse…
Communications Officer
Thales Cyber@Station F Selection
The online world is becoming an increasingly bigger part of our everyday lives, bringing the issue of cybersecurity to the forefront of more and more minds. At Tarides we put security at the centre of everything we do, and we’re honoured to be part of Cyber@Station F in 2022. Tarides is thrilled t…
Communications Officer
OCaml Matrix: A Virtual World
Introduction One of Tarides' projects is to create an open and secure infrastructure for communication protocols, initially focusing on emails and Matrix. This will allow organisations to self-host their messaging services, using either personal cloud resources or low-cost embedded devices. Individu…
Senior Software Engineer
What's New in MirageOS 4!
MirageOS 4.0 Release Week Tarides is thrilled to see the great responses to MirageOS 4.0 and the excitement that’s building across the community. We’re proud to have played an important part in its development and release, bringing great tools and opportunities to OCaml developers. If you haven…
MirageOS 4 Released!
Tarides is delighted to announce that MirageOS 4 is finally released! As core contributors to the project, we are proud to have been part of the journey to 4.0. What is MirageOS? MirageOS is a library operating system that constructs unikernels for fast and secure network applications that work acro…
Communications Officer
Secure Virtual Messages in a Bottle with SCoP
People love to receive mail, especially from loved ones. It’s heartwarming to read each word as their thoughts touch our deepest feelings. Now imagine someone else reading those private sentiments, like a postal worker. Imagine how violated they’d feel if their postal carrier handed them an open…
Senior Software Engineer
Technical Writer
'Signals and Threads' Podcast: What is an Operating System?
November has become MirageOS month! Between the upcoming official MirageOS 4.0 release, making custom Christmas Tree garlands with MirageOS on a Raspberry Pi, and now this "What is an Operating System?" podcast (featuring Tarides advisor and core MirageOS maintainer Anil Madhavapeddy), it truly is M…
Technical Writer
Tarides & Hyper: Partners in Agricultural Innovation
We are thrilled to announce a partnership between Tarides and Hyper, a technology provider in the agritech space who’s building an "operating system for high-performing farms." Indoor and vertical farms are becoming tech businesses that require scalable, flexible, and easy-to-use tools to facilita…
Technical Writer
MirageOS Workshop: Working with the Raspberry Pi 4
Earlier this week, Romain Calascibetta hosted an in-house MirageOS workshop for employees, both locally and remotely around the world. This interactive workshop taught participants how to build an operating system on a Raspberry Pi 4 using MirageOS. They got to create their own OS and play with proj…
Technical Writer
MirageOS 4.0 Preview Live Presentation
The official release of MirageOS 4.0 quickly approaches! Learn about some general MirageOS concepts and get a sneak park at the forthcoming changes in MirageOS 4.0 during a LIVE presentation today at 15h CET. Lucas Pluvinage will lead you through a live-streaming presentation to acquaint you with Mi…
Technical Writer
SCoP Passed Phase 1 of the DAPSI Initiative!
In April, we announced that the DAPSI initiative accepted the proposal for our Secure-by-Design Communication Protocols (SCoP) project. Today, we are thrilled to announce that SCoP has passed the initiative’s Phase 1, and we are now on our way to Phase 2! SCoP is an open, secure, and resource-effi…
Software Engineer
Technical Writer
Tarides project SCoP is selected as one of the brightest Data Portability projects in Europe!
Tarides is taking part in the Data Portability & Services Incubator (DAPSI), a 3-year EU funded project that empowers internet innovators to develop new solutions in the Data Portability field. What is DAPSI? The Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) is an EU funded project, under the Euro…
The future of Tezos on MirageOS
We are very glad to announce that Tarides has been awarded two new grants from the Tezos Foundation. Thanks to these new grants, Tarides will continue to work on the integration between Tezos and MirageOS. We believe that the secure deployment of blockchains is still a major challenge today, and tha…
Mr. MIME - Parse and generate emails
We're glad to announce the first release of mrmime, a parser and a generator of emails. This library provides an OCaml way to analyze and craft an email. The eventual goal is to build an entire unikernel-compatible stack for email (such as SMTP or IMAP). In this article, we will show what is current…
Software Engineer
Decompress: Experiences with OCaml optimization
In our first article we mostly discussed the API design of decompress and did not talk too much about the issue of optimizing performance. In this second article, we will relate our experiences of optimizing decompress. As you might suspect, decompress needs to be optimized a lot. It was used by sev…
Software Engineer
Decompress: The New Decompress API
RFC 1951 is one of the most used standards. Indeed, when you launch your Linux kernel, it inflates itself according zlib standard, a superset of RFC 1951. Being a widely-used standard, we decided to produce an OCaml implementation. In the process, we learned many lessons about developing OCaml where…
Software Engineer
7th MirageOS hack retreat
Let's talk sun, mint tea and OCaml: Yes, you got it, the MirageOS biennial retreat at Marrakesh! For the 7th iteration of the retreat, the majority of the Tarides team took part in the trip to the camels country. This is a report about what we produced and enjoyed while there. Charles-Edouard Lecat …
Software Engineer
Dune 1.9.0
Tarides is pleased to have contributed to the dune 1.9.0 release which introduces the concept of library variants. Thanks to this update, unikernels builds are becoming easier and faster in the MirageOS universe! This also opens the door for a better cross-compilation story, which will ease the addi…
Senior Software Engineer
Release of Base64
MirageOS is a library operating system written from the ground up in OCaml. It has an impossible and incredibly huge goal to re-implement all of the world! Looking back at the work accomplished by the MirageOS team, it appears that's what happened for several years. Re-implementing the entire stack,…
Software Engineer
MirageOS, towards a smaller and safer OS
Presentation about MirageOS in Lambda World Cadìz on October 26th …
Software Engineer
ocaml-git 2.0
I'm very happy to announce a new major release of ocaml-git (2.0). This release is a 2-year effort to get a revamped streaming API offering a full control over memory allocation. This new version also adds production-ready implementations of the wire protocol: git push and git pull now work very rel…
Software Engineer
MirageOS + Tezos funding
We are excited to announce that the Tezos Foundation will trust Tarides to package Tezos nodes as MirageOS unikernel, which will help participants establish nodes on the Tezos network in a more efficient and secure manner. …
Invited lecture at ENS
Thomas Gazagnaire gave an invited lecture at the computer science department of ENS, in Paris. This was part of the system and network L3 course. Check the slides (in english) and the exercices (in french). …
Anil Madhavapeddy and Gemma Gordon presented our new operating system for connected buildings: OSMOSE to HotPOST’18. OSMOSE is based on MirageOS and Irmin and we hope to explore that area more in the coming months! …
An Architecture for Interspatial Communication
Position paper on “An Architecture for Interspatial Communication” accepted to HotPOST’18. …