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Articles by Céline Laplassotte

Explore articles by Céline Laplassotte, featuring deep insights into systems programming, distributed computing, and cutting-edge technology. Discover the author's unique perspective and technical expertise that contribute to innovation at Tarides.

Desert landscape, sun, sky, large Tezos logo overlay.

The future of Tezos on MirageOS

We are very glad to announce that Tarides has been awarded two new grants from the Tezos Foundation. Thanks to these new grants, Tarides will continue to work on the integration between Tezos and MirageOS. We believe that the secure deployment of blockchains is still a major challenge today, and tha…

Group photo, people holding trophies, "concours d'innovation" text.

i-Lab 2019

We are thrilled to announce that Tarides is laureate of the 21st edition of the i-Lab innovation contest for its innovative technological solution: OSMOSE. Organized by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in partnership with Bpifrance, the objective of this competition i…