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Articles by Romain Calascibetta

Explore articles by Romain Calascibetta, featuring deep insights into systems programming, distributed computing, and cutting-edge technology. Discover the author's unique perspective and technical expertise that contribute to innovation at Tarides.

SCoP Passed Phase 1 of the DAPSI Initiative!

In April, we announced that the DAPSI initiative accepted the proposal for our Secure-by-Design Communication Protocols (SCoP) project. Today, we are thrilled to announce that SCoP has passed the initiative’s Phase 1, and we are now on our way to Phase 2! SCoP is an open, secure, and resource-effi…

Romain Calascibetta

Software Engineer

Christine Rose

Technical Writer

Mr. MIME - Parse and generate emails

We're glad to announce the first release of mrmime, a parser and a generator of emails. This library provides an OCaml way to analyze and craft an email. The eventual goal is to build an entire unikernel-compatible stack for email (such as SMTP or IMAP). In this article, we will show what is current…

Romain Calascibetta

Software Engineer

Decompress: Experiences with OCaml optimization

In our first article we mostly discussed the API design of decompress and did not talk too much about the issue of optimizing performance. In this second article, we will relate our experiences of optimizing decompress. As you might suspect, decompress needs to be optimized a lot. It was used by sev…

Romain Calascibetta

Software Engineer

Decompress: The New Decompress API

RFC 1951 is one of the most used standards. Indeed, when you launch your Linux kernel, it inflates itself according zlib standard, a superset of RFC 1951. Being a widely-used standard, we decided to produce an OCaml implementation. In the process, we learned many lessons about developing OCaml where…

Romain Calascibetta

Software Engineer

Release of Base64

MirageOS is a library operating system written from the ground up in OCaml. It has an impossible and incredibly huge goal to re-implement all of the world! Looking back at the work accomplished by the MirageOS team, it appears that's what happened for several years. Re-implementing the entire stack,…

Romain Calascibetta

Software Engineer

ocaml-git 2.0

I'm very happy to announce a new major release of ocaml-git (2.0). This release is a 2-year effort to get a revamped streaming API offering a full control over memory allocation. This new version also adds production-ready implementations of the wire protocol: git push and git pull now work very rel…

Romain Calascibetta

Software Engineer

OCaml Workshop 2018

The OCaml Users and Developers Workshop brings together industrial users of OCaml with academics and hackers who are working on extending the language, type system and tools. OCaml 2018 was held on September 27th, 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, colocated with ICFP 2018. Check Tarides' talks: RFCs…

Romain Calascibetta

Software Engineer